J. Neil Schulman
@ Agorist.com
@ Agorist.com
Apr 30th
There is no Left. There is no Right. Millennia ago Julius Caesar knew that Divide and Conquer was an effective strategy for conquest and control. If the people can be divided so they spend all their energy fighting each other rather than the real enemies — those who use manipulation and muscle to rule them — then we can finally free ourselves from the exploitation by the money-controlling political class.
Agorism is a stateless approach to freeing everyone from those who wish to own us all and make us their chattels. Our approach rejects the Leninist revolutionary model of violence and counterviolence, and replaces it with the jiu jitsu approach of letting their force miss us and allowing their mis-moves to let them fall by their own misuse of force.
–J. Neil Schulman, January 31, 2013
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
–The Declaration of Independence
The Revolutionary Agorist Cadre
Welcome to Customer Service
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
— from The Second Coming, William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
The title of this essay has two meanings.
The first is the reference to the Yeats poem quoted above, The Second Coming.
The second is a reference to C.S. Lewis’s immensely popular book of Christian apologetics, Mere Christianity, a phrase C.S. Lewis picked up from a Christian apologist writing three centuries earlier, Rev. Richard Baxter.
What Yeats meant was the end result of entropy; what Lewis and Baxter meant was core sustainable beliefs. Clearly I’m choosing to deal here with antithetical thoughts.
In common usage the word “anarchy” is a synonym for chaos and anomie, just as in common usage “anarchist” is a synonym for terrorist or nihilist.
It places an immediate communications burden on anyone who believes, as I do, that a stateless society can be not only as well-ordered and agreeable as any society which attempts by a constitution to limit the powers of government for the purpose of ensuring common individual rights, but in theory could do a better job of preventing a reemergence of tyranny.
I’m not alone in this skepticism regarding the American experiment with Constitutional government. This caution comes from one of its original authors.
Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin answered a lady’s question whether the convention produced a republic or a constitutional monarchy with the bitter and prescient warning, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
If we’ve kept the Constitution at all after:
… it’s only by the skin of its teeth. In 223 years of mastication, many of the Constitution’s teeth have fallen out, some are impacted, many have cavities requiring root canal, and even the remaining relatively healthy teeth are dulled, loose, and painfully difficult to chew with.
In my lifetime the Constitution is more Poligrip than Politics.
So why — when the Constitution of the United States is clearly in crisis as to whether it can sustain its original intent to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” — are alternatives offered to try and do the job better looked upon with such fear and loathing?
Well, for one thing, the proposed alternatives have never worked on a large scale before.
Various forms of anarchism have been tried out in microcosmic experiments. The Old Testament tells us of a time before Kings when the Israelites had only Judges.
In the ancient Irish túatha — while you had a king — at least you were free to choose which one you wanted.
There were anarchist-based communes both in Europe and in America. None of them expanded into the general population and few survived into a second generation.
And — well — historically too darned many high-profile anarchists have in fact been nihilists, trouble-makers, and terrorists.
Yes, yes, yes, I know. There is a rich and peaceful tradition of individual anarchism, which includes Henry David Thoreau who wrote in his 1849 essay Civil Disobedience:
I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe – “That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient.
Maxham daguerreotype of Henry David Thoreau
made in 1856
No less than Mohandas K. Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., have each attributed their successful uses of non-violent resistance to the anarchist Thoreau.
Other historical anarchists — William Godwin, Lysander Spooner, Voltairine de Cleyre, Benjamin Tucker, Emma Goldman, and Thomas Hodgskin — as well as anarchists I’ve known personally in my lifetime — Murray Rothbard, Robert LeFevre, L. Neil Smith, David Friedman, Victor Koman, and Samuel Edward Konkin III — have all advocated anarchistic visions of society that are neither chaotic nor nihilistic — and one can convincingly argue that, despite their protests, both Ayn Rand and Robert A. Heinlein made far better cases in their fiction for anarchistic societies than they made for government in their nonfiction.
Plus I must note here that Franz Oppenheimer and Albert Jay Nock found it necessary to make a clear distinction between government and the State.
But cutting to the chase, are any of these visions of a stateless society both doable and sustainable?
I believe they are, if certain conditions are met.
Assuming for a moment that such a society is practical, is there a way to get there?
I believe that answer is also yes.
Even a society under the thumb of a totalitarian government– some would say especially societies under the thumb of totalitarian governments — have black markets.
Historically black markets are populated by criminals with few ethics and less self-control. Without any “honor among thieves” crime and violence are endemic.
But what if black-markets were operated by people more lawful, rational, and ethical than in the legal-edict society rather than less lawful, rational, and ethical?
What if the black markets had less crime than the above-ground markets because property-rights were better recognized and enforced by private arbitrations?
What if the bare minimum of business structure was cheaper to operate in — and fostered more productivity — than trying to start a business under layers of burdensome bureaucratic regulations, taxes and payoffs to politicians and their appointees?
What if — even with the extra costs of maintaining secret communication, transportation, and protection operations — it was still far cheaper to operate your business in these underground networks than in a debt-ridden, inflation destabilized, highly taxed and regulated, and hostile business environment as we now see in our current Constitution-impaired society?
Would not capital naturally flow into such better-operated markets and act to enrich them, empowering better use of technology and more efficient allocation of scarce resources for the purposes of expansion and growth?
What if the next tax haven wasn’t offshore but a well-concealed and protected network of markets right under the government’s stuffed nose?
That was the strategy of countereconomics — the philosophy of Agorism — proposed by myself and Samuel Edward Konkin III, presented first by Sam at the two CounterCon conferences I organized in 1974 and 1975, presented first in fiction (as Ayn Rand did with her philosophy in Atlas Shrugged) in my 1979 novel Alongside Night, and first presented in a work of nonfiction a year later in Samuel Edward Konkin III’s New Libertarian Manifesto.
Samuel Edward Konkin III, author of The New Libertarian Manifesto
Now, some may say what I’ve proposed above is not anarchy at all, but limited Constitutional Government.
I won’t argue the semantic point.
Call it what pleases you. Sam Konkin and I called it Agorism. This is the Thoreau-inspired vision of a free society I’ve been working towards in the past four decades of my life.
J. Neil Schulman
Submitted as a white paper to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the Center for a Stateless Society, and the Libertarian Alliance.
Alongside Night Movie Posters
Been watching the news? Greece? Spain? Ireland? Egypt? Iran? Mexico?
Revolution is in the air all over the place.
Agorism Poster by thorsmitersaw
Back in the early 1970’s Samuel Edward Konkin III, a libertarian activist, editor, and writer — began looking for alternatives to traditional political activism, both electoral and revolutionary — to bring about a free society. Sam’s premise was that electoral participation was a game that paid off not in liberty but in power; and that because the state’s tentacles held society hostage traditional revolutionary tactics resulted in unacceptable collateral damage to innocent bystanders.
Konkin, being a scientist, approached the question logically. To his way of thinking the means and ends had to be one and the same. If the end was a society whose institutions were noncoercive and respecting of voluntary contracts and trade then the means of achieving such a society, likewise, also needed to be noncoercive and respecting of voluntary contracts and trade.
These were the seeds which led Samuel Edward Konkin III (SEK3, for short) to begin exploring the strategy of countereconomics, and the philosophy of Agorism, as the libertarian means to achieve libertarian ends.
Samuel Edward Konkin III
Konkin first presented his ideas on countereconomics at two “CounterCon” conferences I organized in fall 1974 and spring 1975, during the off-season at Camp Mohawk in the Berkshires, a summer children’s camp owned and operated by my father’s brother and sister-in-law.
The next expression of countereconomic ideas and Agorism were in my novel, Alongside Night, which I began writing in 1974 and which was first published in October 1979 by a major New York book publisher.
One year later Sam self-published The New Libertarian Manifesto, the first formal expression of countereconomic and Agorist ideas. The first edition sold out quickly, and reprint editions have been proliferating in both printed and digital editions ever since. Additional publications further elucidating countereconomics and Agorism followed, and SEK3 worked to refine his work on countereconomics and Agorism until his death in February 2004.
Sam saw Agorism as a revolutionary alternative to Marxism and, like Marx, the impact and popularity of his ideas have only spread and gained new converts after his death.
Me, I’m sort of like Paul McCartney after the death of John Lennon. I was there at the beginning and I’m still here.
Agorism is the idea that if you want a future society based on free trade there is no substitute for trading freely now as a means of getting there. Phrased as a boundary problem it’s obvious that a single individual escaping from the State is not a strategy; but obviously 100% of individuals escaping from the State into free trade would be. Like a revolutionary version of the Laffer Curve, there must be some tipping point where individuals removing their lives and property from State control is sufficient to starve a State thereby collapsing it. Seeking that tipping point in a Starvation Curve is the revolutionary strategy of Agorism in a nutshell.
Agorism looks to what traditionally has been called the black market, or underground economy, as the playing field for revolution.
The problem with this is that the people who trade on the black market are after tangible and immediate rewards – not anything as abstract as freedom — and more often than not they’re not all that scrupulous about how they get it. Lacking anything other than threats of violent retaliation from ripping off someone more powerful, the underground entrepreneur finds no particular market advantage to abiding by rules of honesty and fair play as opposed to getting away with anything one can get away with.
Furthermore, an oppressive — even a totalitarian — state can tolerate a thriving black market. In fact there’s an argument to be made that since command economies violate fundamental economic laws and create massive misallocations of resources, and consequent underproduction of anything people want and need, that a thriving black market is actually an enabler of above-ground economic oppression. The way Mafioso and drug lords buy off law-enforcement officers and judges regularly is a testament to the symbiosis between an oppressive state and a criminally-run black market.
The only thing that can take counter-economics out of this paradigm as a strategy for freedom, and Agorism out of this paradigm as a social movement, is that bringing morally self-conscious actors into the black market brings arbitral dispute settlement, and stable predictability, into the equation. This has the potential of enabling the expansion of markets by drawing new capital into the underground economy that would normally avoid such high-risk investments.
Bringing law and order to the black market is what makes countereconomics distingishable from the normal criminal-run “black market” — or, to use Samuel Edward Konkin III’s distinction, the “red” market.
The market is only truly “black” — run under the Anarchist’s Black Flag rather than the Pirate’s Jolly Roger — when underground markets are more lawful than the capricious and tyrannical rules of the aboveground economy.
Yes, that’s right. The revolution only succeeds when the Anarchist is more for law-and-order than the Statist.
Agorism only works as an alternative to other political philosophies — countereconomics only works as an investment alternative to a statist-controlled above-ground economy — if promises and contracts from traders in the underground markets are more honest and trustworthy than in the above-ground economy.
The Prisoners Dilemma can’t win freedom. Only Trust can do that.
Some may argue that the above argument is utopian or perfectionist — that the success of Agorism requires men to become better than they are. The fact is, it only requires underground traders to adopt business standards common in above-ground markets: consumer responsiveness, honest accounting, and above all peaceful dispute settlement.
If the leftist critique is correct and there is no actual distinction to be made between a businessman and a criminal then any sort of market approach to social organization is doomed.
Agorist traders don’t need to be angels for Agorism to replace Marxism as the Revolutionary Alternative.
Just middlin’ decent.
Updated 9/11/2011
Author’s Note April 26, 2012: Recently I’ve been using a “Devil’s Dictionary” style definition of Agorism: Estate planning for the death of the statist-controlled economy.
Business as usual.
That’s the assumption underlying everything you see on the news: coverage of the 2012 election, the Dow Jones Industrials, the price of gasoline, and the rate of workers filing for unemployment insurance. The acceptable limits to major media coverage of economic indicators only ask whether the United States is still in an economic downturn or whether the economy is slowly heading toward a recovery.
All of these discussions assume only mild risk to the economy from paying interest on a national debt above sixteen trillion, more than the gross domestic product, plus current government spending in the trillions, more than can be collected in taxes from the American people. Adding new taxes or increasing tax rates does not increase tax revenue, for two reasons: investors seek lower tax rates and move businesses overseas; and domestic bottom lines shrink because business spending on new production or hiring is instead taken by the government first.
Given that old government debts and new government spending can’t be paid for by taxes, payments can only be made by the Federal Reserve making up the difference by increasing the supply of dollar-accounted money and credit.
It’s called Quantitative Easing. It devalues the dollar, making everything paid for in dollars more expensive.
History shows us that there’s a tipping point beyond which a shrinking economy and an expanding money supply causes a currency to collapse in a catastrophic hyperinflation: what the theories of Austrian economics calls a “crack-up boom.”
It happened during the French Revolution in 1793 and in Weimer Germany in 1923.
It’s sometimes called “wheelbarrow” inflation because the amount of cash needed to buy groceries can only be lugged around in a wheelbarrow.
That tipping point — what for a private business would be called “bankruptcy” — needs a different term when we’re talking about the lawful currency of the United States: Federal Reserve Notes issued with the signatures of the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury.
I’m labeling that tipping point — government spending more than what can be paid for by the American people as a whole — “Yankruptcy.”
We’ve already passed that tipping point.
We’re already “yankrupt.”
The only question is how long the rest of the world is able or willing to continue tying their own currency to the dollar in international trading — and willing to accept dollars in exchange for things they sell to America.
If the media pundits are right and the choice this November will be between President Barack Obama and his replacement by Governor Mitt Romney, then the problem of American Yankruptcy will not be addressed.
Nothing drastic — such as eliminating cabinet departments, firing hundreds of thousands of federal regulators and administrators, or eliminating foreign military deployments — will be done.
The spending will increase and the economy will collapse under the burden.
The dollar will go wheelbarrow.
I was aware of this pending problem decades ago when I wrote a novel about it.
Look for the movie later this year.
Alongside Night Movie Poster
It won’t be a documentary because it’s an action story taking place in the future.
But Addison Wiggin who heads up Agora Financial has already called it “The Hunger Games for adults.”
This article is Copyright © 2011, 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Apr 28th
Armed Children in Movies
Driving Liberals Absolutely Nuts
The copyrighted images in the attached graphic are used under the political comment protections of the Fair Use Doctrine. This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 23rd
Author’s Note, April 23, 2012: I have removed the word “gated” from my description of the Twin Lakes community per the following link: “According to Ryan Julison, assistant to Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump, Twin Lakes is actually not entirely gated. There is also no guard at the gate, there are no high fences. The community is just modest condos, Julison says, not protected with the electronic equivalent of a castle moat. So the Gate Access Form provided by The Retreat at Twin Lakes Homeowners Association could be considered somewhat misleading.”
— J. Neil Schulman
On February 26, 2012 George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in the Sanford, Florida Retreat at Twin Lakes community which had recently suffered a spate of home burglaries, observed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin walking in circles in the rain, and telephoned his local police department to report the activity as suspicious. While on the phone with the police dispatcher Zimmerman reportedly followed Martin, and at some point there was a confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin in which witnesses report Zimmerman down on the ground with Martin on top of him. We know this confrontation ended when Zimmerman, who was licensed to carry a concealed firearm, fatally shot Martin.
Zimmerman is now out on bond, charged by Florida with Second Degree Murder. The state’s affidavit in support of this charge alleges that Zimmerman improperly followed Martin, initiating the confrontation, even though in the bail hearing State Investigator Dale Gilbreath testified that Florida does not know whether Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after the police dispatcher advised him this was not needed, and even though according to Dale Gilbreath’s testimony the State does not know whether Zimmerman or Martin started the fight.
But it’s the Florida prosecution’s contention that Zimmerman can not claim self-defense justifying his use of deadly force since by following Martin he created the circumstances leading to the teenager’s death.
Much of the discussion of this case has referred to Zimmerman’s right to be armed, constitutionally preserved under the Second Amendment. I’ve previously written on these pages that instead of restricting George Zimmerman’s right to keep and bear arms, it should have been expanded to include Trayvon Martin’s right to defend his life.
But what has not been discussed is whether as a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, George Zimmerman was acting properly in following Trayvon Martin.
I think the Third Amendment speaks to that question.
The Third Amendment reads, “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”
A narrow reading of this prohibition against “quartering” has failed to find a legal case to apply it to in the 221 years since it was added to the Bill of Rights. But this amendment’s placement between amendments preserving the right to keep and bear arms and restrictions on the powers of the government with respect to the privacy of the people deserves closer examination.
The Framers of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights did not see a clear distinction between soldiers and police officers. There were no municipal police departments in the United States at the time the Bill of Rights was under discussion, and crime control was the responsibility of the citizenry at large, responding to a “hue and cry” and organized ad hoc under the Power of the County — today still known using the original Latin phrase, posse comitatus. The American experience of the recent British subjects was that British soldiers were used by the royally-appointed governors as police officers. Embedding such officers among the people by quartering them in private homes was just one particularly egregious way of taxing the Americans to pay for the protection “services” being provided to them by their government.
Neighborhood Watch Volunteer George Zimmerman
After the 1992 Los Angeles riots I applied for and received a California license to carry a concealed firearm — which I carried in California until 2007 — and as training I took California’s PC-832 course, and passed the California POST exam. My Powers of Arrest and Communications and Tactics instructor, Jim Saharek, was a retired U.S. Secret Service agent; my Firearms instructor, Barry Dineen, was an LAPD officer. I got a perfect 4.0 grade in all three modules, as well as on the final POST exam.
POST Certificate
Regarding the George Zimmerman case.
There’s an aspect to this case which I have not heard discussed: that the “police” powers of a private citizen are in many cases identical to a sworn police officer’s — and for a good reason; most police powers originate with the private citizen. George Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch security volunteer on private property that he was authorized to be on.
When George Zimmerman observed Trayvon Martin acting in a manner he considered suspicious — walking around in circles in the rain — Citizen Zimmerman was acting within his assigned role to investigate further.
Citizen Zimmerman was acting within his proper role as a private Neighborhood Watch security volunteer to track Trayvon Martin, and to approach Trayvon Martin to ask him whether he lived on the property or who he was visiting.
The police dispatcher Zimmerman was talking to on the phone had an inferior understanding of the tactical situation than the security officer on scene (Zimmerman) and the dispatcher’s statement “We don’t need you to [follow your suspect]” was a well-intentioned attempt to keep Zimmerman out of jeopardy; but Zimmerman was the security officer on scene and was within his duty to pursue if he thought by doing so he was acting in protection of his neighbors’ safety.
I’ve heard TV pundits refer to George Zimmerman as a wannabe cop or “self appointed” neighborhood watch volunteer. This is a denigration of the private citizen’s responsibility to protect his neighborhood that would have shocked the Founding Fathers, who considered it was precisely the role of the private citizen to protect his neighbors whether as posse comitatus or as militia; the idea of standing police departments or military officers quartered among the people (Third Amendment prohibition) was exactly what the American Revolution — and the preservation of its principles in the Bill of Rights — was designed to escape.
I’m suggesting the Third Amendment opens a window to the context and mindset of the Framers regarding a standing paramilitary police department embedded among the people — beyond the literal and narrow text of the Third Amendment. The Supreme Court might well call this the “penumbra” of the Third Amendment.
It’s the denigration of the private citizen using “police” powers to protect his community — and the usurpation of these powers by a centralized authority — that is one of the principal methods by which Americans are infantalized by a paternalistic government.
It’s one of the main Progressive strategies since the late nineteenth century tilting us into a top-down authoritarian order. We now see how these usurped police powers are commonly abused against the citizenry.
We see it in SWAT teams breaking down the doors of private homes, and sometimes killing the homeowners, in a War on Drugs that trivializes the Fourth Amendment and usurps rights still held by the People under the Ninth Amendment.
We see it when police racially profile minorities, whether black youths like Trayvon Martin or Hispanics like George Zimmerman, who police think might be illegally in the country.
We see it in police officers arresting citizens who legally have the right to video or photograph them while executing their police powers in public places.
We see it in the common excessive use of police powers, in handcuffing even a six-year-old girl being taken into police custody for throwing a tantrum while in a kindergarten class.
We see it in TSA officers touching the private parts of women, children, and senior citizens, whose only crime is an intent to board a commercial airliner.
If merely by following Trayvon Martin, pursuant to his responsibilities as a Neighborhood Watch Volunteer, Citizen Zimmerman loses his right of self-defense, then there is one more disempowerment of the sovereign American citizen as understood by the Founders.
This prosecution is one more indication that the progressive centralization of authority in soldiers embedded among the citizens is a counterrevolution far along its way of reversing the liberties fought for and won in the American Revolution.
This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 22nd
Conservatives have suggested making English the only official language for conducting all government business in the United States.I think this is a step in the right direction, but it just doesn’t go quite far enough.
This article and the graphic image is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 16th
Two years ago today I wrote:
Happy Birthday to Me!
I’m now available in all the Heinz varieties. I’m 57 today.
No, this isn’t an applause sign going on. Don’t feel you have to start wishing me a happy birthday. Hey, I’m not dead yet, my senses still pretty much work, I’m not missing limbs or in a wheelchair, I can still think and write, and my memory doesn’t suck yet. My Mom’s still with me and my daughter just wants me to finish reading the first Harry Potter book she gave me last year so I can start on the second she gave me for this birthday. That’s making me damned happy as it is.
The most important thing about this birthday is that I reach it with exactly the same sense of purpose and enthusiasm about my future as I had for my 18th and 21st birthdays. Maybe more, because I’ve developed new skill sets I didn’t have when I was younger.
If I went back in time and told my younger self that later in life I could look back on having written a dozen books — with praise for them from some of my favorite authors and other people I respect — and that I’d write for The Twilight Zone, and that I’d write, produce, direct, act in, and write songs for a movie starring one of the original Bridge Crew from Star Trek, well, assuming I didn’t think I was a damned liar, my younger self would have thought this an unbelievably fantastic future. So it’s that wet-behind-the-ears former me who has to be wishing me the best on a birthday in which I can look back at dreams fulfilled … and to look forward to making more of them come true.
Five years ago today I said:
And today I have this to say:
I celebrate my 59th year on this planet feeling that I don’t need a bucket list. All the rest of how to evaluate how I’ve spent my time here is the judgment of others.
Hope I’m still worth the carbon dioxide I’m exhaling.
This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 11th
What is the tipping point when government overspending collapses the buying power of the dollar?
Business as usual.
That’s the assumption underlying everything you see on the news: coverage of the 2012 election, the Dow Jones Industrials, the price of gasoline, and the rate of workers filing for unemployment insurance. The acceptable limits to major media coverage of economic indicators only ask whether the United States is still in an economic downturn or whether the economy is slowly heading toward a recovery.
All of these discussions assume only mild risk to the economy from paying interest on a national debt above sixteen trillion, more than the gross domestic product, plus current government spending in the trillions, more than can be collected in taxes from the American people. Adding new taxes or increasing tax rates does not increase tax revenue, for two reasons: investors seek lower tax rates and move businesses overseas; and domestic bottom lines shrink because business spending on new production or hiring is instead taken by the government first.
Given that old government debts and new government spending can’t be paid for by taxes, payments can only be made by the Federal Reserve making up the difference by increasing the supply of dollar-accounted money and credit.
It’s called Quantitative Easing. It devalues the dollar, making everything paid for in dollars more expensive.
History shows us that there’s a tipping point beyond which a shrinking economy and an expanding money supply causes a currency to collapse in a catastrophic hyperinflation: what the theories of Austrian economics calls a “crack-up boom.”
It happened during the French Revolution in 1793 and in Weimer Germany in 1923.
It’s sometimes called “wheelbarrow” inflation because the amount of cash needed to buy groceries can only be lugged around in a wheelbarrow.
That tipping point — what for a private business would be called “bankruptcy” — needs a different term when we’re talking about the lawful currency of the United States: Federal Reserve Notes issued with the signatures of the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury.
I’m labeling that tipping point — government spending more than what can be paid for by the American people as a whole — “Yankruptcy.”
We’ve already passed that tipping point.
We’re already “yankrupt.”
The only question is how long the rest of the world is able or willing to continue tying their own currency to the dollar in international trading — and willing to accept dollars in exchange for things they sell to America.
If the media pundits are right and the choice this November will be between President Barack Obama and his replacement by Governor Mitt Romney, then the problem of American Yankruptcy will not be addressed.
Nothing drastic — such as eliminating cabinet departments, firing hundreds of thousands of federal regulators and administrators, or eliminating foreign military deployments — will be done.
The spending will increase and the economy will collapse under the burden.
The dollar will go wheelbarrow.
I was aware of this pending problem decades ago when I wrote a novel about it.
Look for the movie later this year.
Alongside Night Movie Poster
It won’t be a documentary because it’s an action story taking place in the future.
But Addison Wiggin who heads up Agora Financial has already called it “The Hunger Games for adults.”
This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 5th
On March 28th I published here my article “What George Zimmerman Really Said” in which I released my own audio analysis of the George Zimmerman 911 call, refuting a CNN audio analysis that Zimmerman had uttered the racial slur, “Fucking coons.”
I wrote,
I downloaded the 911 recording off the web, isolated the phrase, and enhanced it with Roxio.
What George Zimmerman said in rainy 63 degree February weather in Sanford Florida was, “It’s fucking cold.”
The remark is not out of context. A minute or so earlier on the 911 tape George Zimmerman tells the 911 dispatcher, “It’s raining.”
Click on the mugshot of George Zimmerman to listen to my enhanced recording.
Rich Lowry blogged this article on National Review Online.
Now CNN has redone its original audio analysis and concurred with my analysis.
Here is CNN’s video report:
CNN did not acknowledge that I beat their report by nine days but my readers — and National Review Online readers — know that you heard it here first.
J. Neil Schulman
This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 2nd
Many of the protesters demanding “Justice for Trayvon” have argued Trayvon Martin was a victim of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law because it enables George Zimmerman to claim a right of self-defense using deadly force, with Zimmerman only having to demonstrate he had reasonable fear that if he did not stop Trayvon Martin from continued combat Martin could have inflicted upon him life-threatening or maiming injuries.
Yet if it was any Florida law that made any physical combat between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin discriminatory in favor of George Zimmerman, it was Florida’s concealed-carry-weapons licensing law’s minimum age of 21 that denied the 17-year-old Trayvon Martin a right of self-defense with a concealed handgun.
Our laws are schizophrenic on the question of age, and infantalize post-pubescent human beings that thousands of years of human culture — and many cultures around the world today — have regarded as adults.
Trayvon Martin
By age 17 — the age Trayvon Martin was this past February 26, 2012 when he died from George Zimmerman’s fatal gunshot wound — my maternal grandfather, Samuel Lindenbaum, had been working for a living for six years; and my paternal grandfather, Abraham Schulman, had traveled by himself from Russia to the United States then journeyed from New York City to New Orleans, carrying a concealed handgun for protection. At age 16 my own father, Julius Schulman, was a professional musician playing on cruise ships. At age 14 I was regularly selling professional photography to local newspapers in Natick, Massachusetts.
At age 17 Trayvon Martin could not sign binding contracts in his own name, for example, an apartment lease, a purchase agreement for a car, or a credit-card application. He could not live on his own, legally drink alcohol, buy cigarettes, purchase a lottery ticket, marry, vote, or own a firearm and apply for a Florida CCW license. Yet, if the situation had been reversed and Trayvon Martin had killed George Zimmerman, there is virtually no doubt the 6’3″ Trayvon Martin would have been tried in Florida’s criminal courts as an adult.
A society in which a class of individuals has none of the rights of an adult yet at the capricious decision of a judge can be held criminally liable as an adult is a society with a legal underclass as much as the Jim Crow-South where blacks were taxed the same as whites — and subject to the same criminal liabilities — yet could not sit in the front of public-transit buses, use whites-only public restrooms or public-park water fountains, or marry outside their own skin color.
Regardless of how it finally emerges who attacked whom on that chill and rainy evening, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was denied the right exercised by George Zimmerman to armed self-defense as he walked from a local convenience store to his father’s fiancee’s home in Sanford, Florida’s Twin Lakes gated community.
Author’s Note: Thanks to my reader Anthony Beecher who commented on my previous article “What George Zimmerman Really Said.” He commented, “The real tragedy of this stand your ground law is that it is inherently stacked against youths because they are not permitted concealed carrys. Trayvon was not legally old enough to be prepared to protect himself from this stalker,” which inspired this article. I’d previously written on the topic of the double-standard of adult liabilities with no rights in my March 2001 Sierra Times article “Justifiable Insanity, reprinted here.
–J. Neil Schulman
This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
Apr 1st
The Twin Lakes Home Owners Association in the Sanford, Florida gated community where George Zimmerman shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 voted unanimously, in a special Sunday executive session, to crucify its former Neighborhood Watch Captain this coming Friday, April 6, 2012 — Good Friday on the Christian Calendar.
“The Zimmerman incident has become an embarrassment to our community,” said HOA Chairperson, Lirpa Sloof, “and in this lousy real-estate economy we just can’t put the equity investments in our homes at risk. George is a great guy and I’m sure he understands our position. Aside from anything else, we’re going to follow the pagan tradition of the Corn King, and for the next five days George can have any woman in the community he wants, any luxury he wants, right up to the moment that first nail goes in.”
George Zimmerman,
to be crucified this Good Friday
Asked if the HOA is concerned that the Zimmerman crucifixion will bring reprisal from either churches who consider the crucifixion blasphemous, or from prosecutors who might bring murder charges, Sloof laughed it off. “The Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have led protest marches demanding justice for Trayvon right up to our front gate. So much for the churches. As for the government,” Sloof continued, “Millions have signed a petition demanding that Zimmerman be arrested, The New Black Panther Party has issued a ‘dead or alive’ bounty on George Zimmerman. President Obama has said that Trayvon Martin looks like the son he would have had. We’re not just protecting ourselves. If criminal charges are not brought against George Zimmerman — or if a jury finds him not guilty of murder — there will be riots and arson at least as bad as those following the April 1992 police acquittals in the Rodney King beating case. By crucifying this one man, we’re saving the lives of hundreds and possibly billions of dollars in property damage. Far from anyone indicting us, CBS has promised us nail-to-nail coverage this Friday as the pilot for our own reality TV show. They’re already out rounding up contestants to make crucifixions a weekly show. We’re told the first commercials for the series will be on upcoming episodes of The Amazing Race and their hit legal drama, The Good Wife.”
This article is Copyright © 2012 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved.
Winner of the Special Jury Prize for Libertarian Ideals from the 2011 Anthem Film Festival! My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available free on the web linked from the official movie website. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!