J. Neil Schulman
@ Agorist.com
@ Agorist.com
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Unchaining the Human Heart
— A Revolutionary Manifesto
A Book by J. Neil Schulman
Chapter 6: Go Kuck Yourself!
Robert A. Heinlein, whose 1961 science-fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land is considered one of the classics of the sexual revolution, packed more practical advice into any of his novels than most self-help books published before or since. Take, for example, a mini-essay of his on the best way to lie. An amateur liar — Heinlein informed us — just tells falsehoods. A better liar tells the truth but only part of the truth. An expert liar, Heinlein taught me, is one who tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth — the requirements for being able to swear under oath without committing perjury — but he tells the truth so unconvincingly that everyone is convinced he’s lying.
Bill Clinton was only a moderately good liar when he told the world, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” If you look up the meaning of “sexual relations” in a dictionary suitable for use in a court of law, it has the specific meaning of “sexual intercourse.” That definition doesn’t cover blow jobs, which is of course why getting a Lewinsky became, for a while, a synonym for that sexual practice which by dictionary definition is not actually sex.
There is a good reason to consider “sexual relations” sex and blows jobs not sex. Sexual relations can effect a pregnancy. A blow job — unless a woman has a hither-to-undiscovered gastroenterological tract — can not.
So for the purposes of discussing human sexuality, we need to start by distinguishing behavior which can make a baby from behavior that can make an orgasm.
Bringing out the old Venn diagrams, you have your A Circle containing all behavior that can make a baby. The B Circle contains all behavior that can make an orgasm. The A and B circles overlap. Our professor of symbolic logic then asks us to make some true statements. 1. Some babies can be made without orgasms. 2. Some orgasms can happen without making a baby. 3. Some orgasms make babies.
It’s somewhere between mildly amusing and astonishing to me that in writing a chapter on sex intended for grown-ups — that is, humans past puberty, many of whom reading this have engaged in both sex and sexual practices, and have even made babies — that I have to start by giving an elementary-school health-class lecture on the Birds and the Bees. But the sad fact is that all of our language today has become so polluted by political spin that if I don’t provide clear definitions I can’t speak truth to power.
To begin with, same-sex couples can’t fuck. Heterosexuals have a monopoly on fucking. Fucking, for all its extra definitions, has a core definition — like sexual relations — of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse, being the biological process by which terrestrial mammalian primate human beings reproduce, requires one-each penis and vagina, with the penis ejaculating sperm-rich semen into a vagina leading to an ova-rich uterus. If the penis’s ejaculation is directed into any other passageway or container — a mouth, an anus, a condom, or a Kleenex — it’s not sexual intercourse. It may get very close to being sexual intercourse — particularly in the case of fucking with a condom, which only has a 90% success rate of preventing the semen from entering the vagina — but if we’re not going to fuck around with language, it’s not fucking.
It’s paradoxical that today’s Religious Puritans agree with their political nemeses, the Gays — that Circle B activities are sex.
It’s also ironic that the old Soviet Communists were just as puritanical.
Now, I’m a lucky guy. Truly blessed. God made me so my passions — my desires, my obsessions — match up with my biological architecture. I want to stick my penis into vaginas.
I can understand why some gay men might feel God fucked them over. They want to stick their penises into the mouths and anuses of other men, but women’s vaginas have no appeal for them. They’re full of sperm, all dressed with no place to go. This mismatch between soul and body has got to just suck.
I have a news flash for gays, both male and female. God isn’t the only Player. And since God is Good, you might start looking around for some other Player — known for being Not Good — to blame for fucking up the soul-body connection.
But speaking for myself — and leaving God way the fuck out of it — I’m more than a little envious about the whole gay pride thing.
Let me start by admitting that my passion for women doesn’t just involve wanting to fuck them. I also want to engage in other sexual activities with women that doesn’t always involve my inserting my penis into their vaginas. Or at least not only inserting my penis into their vaginas. Or before I insert my penis into their vaginas.
These are activities which fall on the Venn diagram not into Circle A but into Circle B.
We need a new slang term other than “fucking” for the activities in Circle B. The word “fetish” might work, but fetish has bad connotations of men in dark raincoats. When it comes to rain gear I’ve always been the Philip Marlowe light-colored Burberry trench coat sort of guy.
I think the two closest terms for Circle B activities I’ve been able to come up with — and keep in mind that I’m close to four decades in as a professional writer — are “sex play” and “love play.”
You need a new slang term for Circle B activities other than fucking? Going through the alphabet looking for null English rhymes, how about kucking?
Works for me.
I’m here to defend the rights of all post-pubescent biological adults to engage not only in Circle A baby-producing activities — fucking — but also to defend all Circle B consentual adult sex play and love play — kucking.
So Gay Men, please feel free to go kuck yourselves. I’ve got your back. Just not too close, thanks.
But I also feel that gays have precisely no more and no less right to feel pride in their Circle B lifestyles than do any other practitioners of Circle B sex and love play.
I want equal pride for my non-gay fetishes!
In this book so far I’ve given some examples of human passions that authoritarian tyrants work to suppress. I believe the reason they suppress these passions has nothing to do with what the passions are for, but merely because — being pleasurable — it provides a means of getting leverage over human beings that can be used to control them, make them do things for you, and to take the fruits of their labors and transfer wealth from your pockets into theirs.
Controlling both fucking — through marriage and age-of-consent laws — and kucking — through laws and codes regulating sex play and love play — may have competition only from dietary codes (my very next chapter!) when it comes to tyrannizing human beings.
The default position for orthodox or fundamentalist cultures based on the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions is: no kucking allowed. Some cultures based on Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions have attempted even to restrict fucking to a single sexual position — the so-called missionary position — and even to prohibit nude bodily contact between husband and wife during sexual intercourse.
These are some crazy muthahs!
I believe in God but few people believe in me when I state that I am just as hostile to dogmatic religion as I was when for the first three decades of my life I was an atheist. I recently found myself on lists of libertarians who are “religious.”
You have got to be shitting me.
If you learn nothing else about the author of this book, learn well the following: I am not religious.
I pray because it’s a convenient way for me to uplink with God.
A couple of times a year — Passover and Channukah — I celebrate observances of my family’s Jewish traditions.
I eat ham and lobster.
I don’t fast on Yom Kippur — it screws up my dieting.
I find some religious scriptures to contain stories seminal to my cultural matrix, and use them when useful. But I accept no religion’s orthodoxy as authoritative, no scripture as infallible.
When it comes to the sexual and dietary codes deriving from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures I consider them nothing less than psychotically demented: Unfit for Human Consumption.
Keep in mind that you’re getting this statement not from an atheist or an agnostic but from a man who publicly asserts that he has had a direct revelation from God and who considers that most adherents of organized religion would discard God — including their Savior — in a New York minute if upon his personal appearance he challenged their church’s dogmas or their scripture’s inerrancy.
My reading is that from God’s point of view scripture is a record that over and over and over every time God has gifted men with a messenger, the message has initially been rejected in preference to previously adopted human writings. Then the revised message becomes a new dogma, as blindly followed as the old. Much of modern religious practice strikes me as idolatry: worshiping writings over God.
I’m a writer. I know the difference. I choose God.
Whether you agree with the back story for our Comic Book that God designed our biological matrix — and by the way that doesn’t preclude anything Mr. Darwin, Mr. Spencer, or Mr. Dawkins have written if you believe launching a new space-time continuum can contain the DNA to evolve an entire universe — or you believe we’re all just lucky to be here, our ability to experience physical rapture in almost infinite variation is the greatest perk of being born human.
Whatever gets you off — so long as all players are biologically mature and conscientious consenters, and doesn’t spread plagues — is your business.
Next in Unchaining the Human Heart — A Revolutionary Manifesto is Chapter VII: Eat Your Veggies!
My comic thriller Lady Magdalene’s — a movie I wrote, produced, directed, and acted in it — is now available for sale or rental on Amazon.com Video On Demand. If you like the way I think, I think you’ll like this movie. Check it out!
December 1, 2009 - 3:30 am
“I can understand why gay men feel God fucked them over. […] This mismatch between soul and body has got to just suck.”
I’m not sure how I can be reading these words from the author of “The Rainbow Cadenza.” It’s more than a little astonishing.
Not just because – as the book’s plot and characters suggest – you know, as I do, a host of non-het people who don’t in the least degree believe that “God fucked them over.”
But also because – as the book’s thematic and theoretical pages take thousands of well-chosen words to suggest – the human brain is the most pervasive, potent, and important sexual organ of all, with every other physical attribute paling in comparison.
In other, fewer words, Neil amigo, this doesn’t sound at all like you. *sigh*
December 1, 2009 - 6:25 am
Even today lots of gays agonize about coming out, particularly if they come from fundamentalist religious families.
There’s still gay bashing and anti-gay discrimination.
Anal sex is still a major HIV vector.
And let’s not forget how Harvey Milk’s life ended.
So, amigo, I’m not backing off a word.
Just as some politically-correct deaf people opposed cochlear implants to restore hearing — claiming being deaf to Brahms, the Beatles, and robin songs was just an alternate “culture” — I will not enable the pretense that the “mind’s” desire only for the wrong gender of body isn’t a handicap that it takes courage even to survive, much less enjoy.
December 1, 2009 - 6:51 am
You’re talking, immediately above, about the “PC” mistakes that some people make. Yet “some” is not “all,” as you were implying in what I first quoted.
As for this supposed “pretense,” you admit in the blog that you are comfortably ensconced in your heterosexuality. So that means – with all due respect for your being articulate about this – that you simply don’t know, first hand, what you are talking about. Not from the inside of one’s mind.
As, for instance, I do. I am not “straight.” (What I AM, though, to higher precision, is really only my loved ones’ business.)
And I’ve had friends dying in front of me from AIDS, so I really don’t think I needed that list of maladies.
I’m not sure what, exactly, you’re trying to convey with all this to your daughter. But it’s not the same respect for the rich variety of human experience that I saw over a quarter-century ago.
In that sense, I hope Soleil reads the book … instead.
I’m sorry about being more direct than I meant to be – perhaps it’s, once again, the false cheer of the “holiday season” that is making me more perversely frank. (Puns not intended there, either on “perverse” or, since you talked of sexual equipment, on “frank.” {rueful smile} But I’m leaving those words in anyway.)
I’m expressing a deep disagreement with you, not a dismissal.
December 1, 2009 - 7:06 am
Your claim that I don’t know what it’s like to get inside the mind of a gay man because I’m straight is, to me, ridiculous. I’m a novelist and dramatist who has spent a lifetime studying human behavior. It’s my craft to get inside the heads of men, women, children — angels and demons, gods and goddesses, jocks and nerds, fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks. (Since we’re being “frank.” )
And you’ve praised me for my work doing this on several occasions.
Guess what? I don’t need to have lived as a gay man to know what it’s like to be an outsider. I was a fat ultra-brainy Jewish kid growing up in a small Massachusetts town populated by Irish Catholics and square-headed working-class Protestants — only one other Jewish kid in sight, and this young Lex Luthor figured out that if he joined in on picking on me the townies would leave him alone.
You feel comfortable in your skin, that’s great. Mazel Tov to you and all your happy friends. But, apparently, you don’t have a clue what it’s like to grow up gay and alienated — and I think I have a hell of a good handle on alienation of any sort.
Oh, if it makes you happier, I changed the offending sentence, which now reads, “I can understand why some gay men might feel God fucked them over.”
December 2, 2009 - 3:45 am
Hey Neil,
Love the quirky way you think and write.
I’ve been thinking about this kucking. It’s not really necessary to invent a new word. Seems to me that “pleasuring” would work just fine.
Some pleasuring will lead to reproduction.
Pleasuring can be practiced alone, with others, two or more, male or female, inanimate objects, non-human creatures, anything a creative horny person can dream up.
Some pleasuring you get free, some you can pay for.
Physical pleasuring runs all the way from a tickle to an orgasm. Mental pleasuring would run from a smile to satori.
And why is it that pleasure and enjoyment end up being forbidden by church and state?
NOW… Pleasuring and how you get yours is a different issue than the gay marriage dispute.
Marriage should be in the domain of the church. To me this means the chuch has the freedom to grant, or not, the marriage of any couples based on the churches beliefs.
Civil unions should be domain of the state. This means it’s a legal contract between individuals that the state has no right to deny.
Keep up the mental pleasuring (and dis-pleasuring of some) with your writing Neil!