J. Neil Schulman
@ Agorist.com
@ Agorist.com
Sarah Palin’s new autobiography Going Rogue is going gangbusters in sales, and Sarah Palin has been even more ubiquitous on the interview circuit than Taylor Lautner has been plugging The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
Look, I was one of Sarah Palin’s first fans when she was nominated to be John McCain’s running mate. I even put up a website called “Obama-Palin” in which I quixotically suggested that since they were the fresh voices in American politics — as opposed to the politically stale John McCain and Joe Biden — the two of them would have been the ticket to beat.
So I’m hardly a Sarah Palin hater from either the left or the right.
But listening to Sarah Palin in interview after interview since her book was released on November 17th — speaking with Oprah, Hannity, and O’Reilly in particular — what has struck me is how little of political substance Sarah Palin has had to say when finally given an opportunity to speak her mind to America without being censored by John McCain’s political operatives.
Yes, we know that Sarah Palin is against abortion. That’s not breaking news.
But why in the three weeks since the mass shootings at Ford Hood has this supposed Scion of both Anti-Terrorism and the Second Amendment — the hope of many Republicans to be the next Commander in Chief — not had a single word to say about America’s largest military base being a demilitarized zone?
A few days ago whistle-blowers released thousands of emails stored on computers at the University of East Anglia in Great Britain, proving that the core scientists pushing global warming have been deliberately falsifying data such that not only is there no global warming but that, since 1961, the global temperature has actually cooled by one percent. The dead weight of this Global Fraud on the American economy — restrictions on producing fossil-fuel energy to heat our homes, light our schools, and power our transportation due to the fiction of carbon footprints — can now be lifted off the backs of the American people.
Why has the great Alaskan advocate of American energy independence — Sarah Palin — not used her access to microphones to say Word One about this?
But even if Sarah Palin wanted to use her media access to talk about a single issue in the news cycle while she has another quarter hour of fame, why has she not said a word about the evil in the health-care legislation now before Congress of the federal government fining or even imprisoning Americans who choose not to become customers of the health insurance companies?
These issues are less important to a possible future candidate for President of the United States than Newsweek running a flattering photo of her in running shorts? If this offended her, where was she when Barack Obama was on magazine covers shirtless on the beach? Or why is her precious media time being spent on David Letterman telling a joke which “knocked up” the wrong unmarried daughter? If she can’t stand the heat why’s she in the kitchen?
Wait a second. She quit her “chef’s” job, didn’t she?
Is the message she wants to give out about how much of a rugged hunter she is that she was freaked out by her father’s holding moose eyes in his hand? Would she have been such a shrinking violet that she would have swooned if it had been moose testicles? Is she a pit bull with lipstick … or is she just a girl?
Is the impression we are to be left with of Sarah Palin — when she finally gets her moment in the sun not shadowed by John McCain — that this former beauty queen who parlayed her sass into a political career is actually less politically contentious than Carrie Prejean?
November 25, 2009 - 7:09 am
I think it’s the Barack Obama school of campaigning.
Inundate people with your presence despite ostensibly having no particular goal, say and do nothing of any substance whatsoever, and then make a run for something big as the candidate of “change.”
November 27, 2009 - 9:24 pm
There has to be something there to make them so rabid whenever they think of her–which is good. I love to see the Left freaking out because of a girl.
Given the last primary free-for-all, where the Libs voted for McCain to pie our results (in Tx we didn’t have a choice becauase the ‘conservatives’ had all dropped out before we had our primaries)- I’d vote for Sarah because she’s NOT a moderat, or a ‘Maveric’.
November 27, 2009 - 9:36 pm
The left freaks out any time an anti-abortion candidate — particularly an attractive woman — gets traction.
Sorry. As I wrote in a previous article, one’s position on abortion doesn’t tell me anything useful. One could be a communist dictator and oppose abortion because one has a low population and needs cannon fodder. One can oppose abortion and be a complete socialist — such as many Roman Catholics.
Abortion tells us nothing whatsoever about whether one has any specifically American values.
And Sarah Palin just doesn’t cut it as a true American candidate. She’s had multiple chances to stake out uncompromising American positions when it counted and she repeatedly missed the boat.
July 20, 2011 - 6:58 am
I was never a fan of Sarah Palin. She is not a smart Republican candidate.
January 19, 2014 - 5:05 pm
I don’t have a database of Palin quotes, but my impression is that you are leaving a bunch out.
She was big on “drill baby drill”, perhaps even inventing the slogan, and I think she did invent the “death panels” phrase which aptly encapsulates he ultimate truth about socialist and/or facist ObamaCare.
January 19, 2014 - 5:08 pm
Palin, however imperfect her orientation toward liberty, is a positive force in American. Your candidate, Obama, is building tyranny as energetically and fast as he can.. . . UTTER FILTH!